Nordic Mentoring Summit

Initiated By Catalysts

in cooperation with mitt liv and Startup refugees

online workshop conference

november 9, 17 & 24, 2021




online workshop conference - November 9, 17 & 24, 2021

In three digital workshops, the 2021 edition will highlight the following topics:
Reverse mentoring, Mentoring for entrepreneurship, and How digital tools can enhance the mentoring experience. The workshops will be very interactive and focused on bringing the latest insights on each topic, participant perspectives and sharing of best practices.


November 9
9.30-11.00 (UTC+1)

Reverse Mentoring by Catalysts, Norway, in collaboration with Deloitte Norway

Reverse mentoring can provide corporate leaders with valuable cultural perspective, and foster inclusivity by bridging the gap between populations diverse in age, ethnicity, culture and gender.
Reverse mentoring can increase competence on diversity, build capacity to become a more inclusive leader, receive valuable insight from the mentors’ perspective and to expand internal and external network. Join our sessionto learn how Catalysts uses mentoring to impact the structures of and inclusion in the business world, and hear how participants in an ongoing program are making use of their experience.

Here’s what you will learn in this workshop:

  • What is Reverse mentoring, where does it come from and what are the benefits of reverse mentoring ?

  • How to design their reverse mentoring program and top tips for mentors and mentees

  • How reverse mentoring aids organizational development and builds competence

  • Hear feedback from participants in the Catalysts / Deloitte reverse mentoring program focused on “How to create a diverse and inclusive environment where we all can succeed”

  • Enable the participants to reflect upon how reverse mentoring will benefit their organisation



November 17
9.30-11.00 (UTC+1)

Entrepreneurship Mentoring by Startup Refugees, Finland

Startup Refugees’ Business Program offers services for refugees and newcomers who are running a business in Finland or who are interested in starting a company, freelancing, or other form of self-employment. Mentoring plays an important role in our program, and it includes selected outside mentors who have a background in entrepreneurship or business advisory. Mentoring is based on the needs of the participants and it often includes sharing experiences and knowledge about doing business in Finland, specific skills needed, advice and instructions on growing networks etc. The mentors and mentees are matched according to the experiences of the mentor and the needs of the participants. Our Business Program is here to share experiences of the program, how to find these mentors and build commitment into this socially impactful work accompanied by a story of one of our participants. 

What to expect from this workshop:

  • The workshop includes information on how Startup Refugees’ Business Program trains and utilizes mentoring, and one of our participant is going share his/her own experience through the program

  • The workshop is also promoting networking between the participant via simple group assignments with shared results



November 24
9.30-11.00 (UTC+1)

How Digital Tools Can Enhance the Mentoring Experience by Mitt Liv, Sweden

Mentoring programs in a digital setting are here to stay. That is why the use of digital platforms and e-learning tools are more important than ever. But what are the best platforms and tools out there and how can we make best use of them to continue delivering impactful and quality programs? In this workshop, Mitt Liv will deep dive into best practices and uses of tools and platforms used in its own mentoring program and present more how these are helping the delivery of impactful and quality program despite a digital setting.

Why you should join this workshop:

  • Get a chance to learn about new tools and e-platforms for mentorship and how they can positively impact mentoring programs in a digital setting

  • Hear feedback about the user-experience from mentors and mentees at Mitt Liv’s mentoring program – Mitt Livs Chans

  • Be part of the discussion about best practices, challenges and various uses of different digital platforms for mentoring programs




The aim of the Nordic Mentoring Summit is to provide an arena for corporate leaders, mentoring professionals, researchers, government and civic leaders to meet to collectively strengthen and expand quality mentoring relationships for youth and other underrepresented target groups across the Nordics. It is a collaborative initiative from three of the leading mentoring organisations in Norway, Sweden and Finland. 

The Nordic Mentoring Summit will highlight the latest research on mentoring, participant perspectives, sharing of best practices and case examples from reverse mentoring, mentoring for entrepreneurialism and how digital tools can enhance the mentoring experience . The Summit convenes every other year in the Nordics. 
