The aim of the Nordic Mentoring Summit is to provide an arena for mentoring professionals, researchers, government and civic leaders to meet to collectively strengthen and expand quality mentoring relationships for youth and other underrepresented target groups across the Nordics.
The Nordic Mentoring Summit will highlight the latest research on mentoring, youth perspectives, sharing of best practices, greater advocacy on the benefits of mentoring, different roles technology can have and enhance opportunities for collaboration and collective impact in the Nordics.
Partnering for Success
Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic Mentoring Summit is an initiative started by Catalysts. Catalysts delivers mentor programs to a diverse target group in Norway with the vision to create a more inclusive society one relationship at a time. Mitt Liv from Sweden and Startup Refugees from Finland have partnered with Catalysts make the first Nordic Mentoring Summit.
“Not for us, without us”
The Summit has been carefully designed with a high level of involvement of youth who have themselves been in mentor programs. To ensure a Nordic youth perspective in the Summit, four youth from Norway, one from Sweden and one from Finland have participated in workshops to design the Summit and will play a key role in the planning and implementation of the Summit.
"I recieved a lot of help to see how to plan for my future. I got help to see my strenghts and lots of advice from my mentor on how to reach my academic goals."
— Catalysts mentee